Bible Art Cards & Posters

These Bible art cards and posters have come about as the result of a very heartfelt email from a lovely lady in New York, who is dismayed that it’s so hard to find printed cards these days. She wrote:

It was very auspicious that I should receive this image last Friday in honor of Shabbat Parshat Emor.  I trust that it was a fortuitous time for your artwork to be shared. Just before I received it, I had been thinking how in general today, greetings cards are not sold in the same volume that they once were. This is probably due to the popularity of electronic cards.
And so I was wondering where I could go to find a nice Jewish holiday card that would be appropriate for every Chag (holiday).  And then came my friend’s e-mail, with the image of your artwork attached. So I had this idea to ask you to design a greeting card.
I hope that the cards you are offering now and all your future artwork will bring you success.  As we know, this month of Iyar is an auspicious time for Hashem’s blessings for our source of livelihood.    – Mrs. H, New York.

My Bible art cards and posters feature some of my popular Biblical / Torah images. The cards bring an extra element of personalisation to gifts, or can be a thoughtful gift in themselves. The posters are a most effective and economical alternative to my canvas prints, and can be used as decoration for your Succah or classroom.

Go to my Bible art prints page to see all of the artwork in this series.

And you can go to the excellent Chabad website to learn more about the Parshot Hashavua (the weekly Torah portions).